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PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT-2000


PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT- 2000 

Přesný nanoindentační tester měří vlastnosti povrchu, jako je tvrdost a modul pružnosti v nanoměřítku.

  • Tvrdost a modul pružnosti v nanoměřítku


Dostupnost Dostupnost produktu na dotaz
Značka RTEC

PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT- 2000

Přesný nanoindentační tester měří vlastnosti povrchu, jako je tvrdost a modul pružnosti v nanoměřítku.

  • Tvrdost a modul pružnosti v nanoměřítku


Main Features

The precise Nanoindentation Tester SMT-2000 measures surface properties such as hardness and elastic modulus at the nanoscale. It is easy to use and combines piezo actuation and capacitive sensing technologies into a smart nanoindentation head. Fully compliant with ISO 14577 and ASTM E2546-15 standards.

  • Closed-loop down Force Control
  • True force and depth sensors
  • Smart Nanoindenter Head
  • X,Y,Z motorized tables
  • State-of-the-art data aquisition controller
  • Optional Optical Profilometer

SMT-2000 PiQ Nanoindentation Tester

PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT-000

SMT-2000 PiQ Nanoindenter je navržen tak, aby poskytoval přesná a spolehlivá měření povrchových vlastností, jako je tvrdost a modul pružnosti. Zejména je plně v souladu s mezinárodními standardy pro instrumentované vtiskové testování (IIT), včetně ISO 14577 a ASTM E2546-15, což zajišťuje, že všechna měření splňují přísné požadavky globálních průmyslových postupů.

Nanoindenter SMT-2000  Overview

Key Features:

  • Closed-Loop Down Force Control
    Real-time measurement and control of applied force
    Programmable constant, linear, or step force profiles
  • True Force and True Depth Sensors
    Real force and depth sensors with unique capacitive technology
  • Smart Nanoindenter Head
    Force programmable and removable reference for the lowest frame compliance
    (< 0.01 mm/N)
  • X, Y, and Z Motorized Tables
    For indentation matrices and fully automated processes, a 3-axis motorized stage with a resolution of 20 nm
PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT-000
  • High Reliability – Robust Design
    Soundproof enclosure for a compact SMT-2000 platform with integrated vibration-damping
  • Optional Optical Microscope
    Recognizing the importance of visual inspection, the SMT-2000 can be equipped with an optical microscope for precise test area selection and post-test impression visualization (5 Mpx camera)
  • Full Digital Controller
    Embedded state-of-the-art data acquisition controller connected with only one USB cable
  • Compliant with International Standards
    Fully adheres to ISO 14577 and ASTM E2546-15 standards, ensuring that measurements are consistent with global industry requirements
PiQ Nanoindentation Tester SMT-000

What Is A Nanoindentation Test?

A nanoindentation tester is an instrument used to measure the mechanical properties of materials on a microscopic scale, typically at the nanometer level. This technique is beneficial for studying thin films, coatings, or small volumes of materials, where traditional methods may not be practical or feasible.

Our Nanoindenter Tester SMT-2000

combines piezo actuation and capacitive sensing technologies into a smart nanoindentation head. The SMT-2000 brings the highest precision measurements of mechanical properties, such as Hardness, Elastic Modulus, Creep, and many others.

Besides the IST module, the SMT-2000 incorporates environmental modules (temperature, humidity, corrosion). These capabilities allow the use of nano and micro indentation for quality control or cater to demanding engineers and researchers in many fields.

A Nanoindentation Tester Like No Other

The SMT-2000 PiQ Nanoindenter is a compact, precise, and robust mechanical surface property analysis tool.


Stolní model pro vrypové a indentační zkoušky



  • Odolnost proti poškrábání
  • Tvrdost a modul pružnosti
  • Tření a opotřebení
  • Inline 3D optické profilometry

ISO compliant instrumented Indentation and scratch tester. Patented, combined with an in-line 3D profilometer for comprehensive surface analysis.



  • Unique combination of indentation, scratch, profilometer, film thickness testing on one automatic platform.
  • Patented piezo and capacitive sensor technology.
  • Patented image correlation between scratch data and 3D images.
  • Nano, micro indentation and scratch tests on same platform using fast exchange heads.

The Surface Mechanical Tester SMT-5000 is a versatile instrument. It merges the ability to measure mechanical properties, such as hardness, modulus, scratch adhesion, film thickness, in addition to surface roughness and many others. All this power is consolidated in one single platform. To that end, the IST module provides both indentation and scratch. Combining piezo actuation and capacitive sensing technologies, the IST brings the highest precision measurements from nano to micro ranges.

Besides the IST module, the SMT-5000 incorporates spectral reflectance film thickness with 3D profilometry and environmental modules. All these capacities cater to demanding engineers and researchers in many fields.


Customize the SMT-5000 To Fit Your Needs


Icon-Letter-A  Combination of Indentation and Scratch Module

The IST module combines indentation and scratch testing capabilities in one single module.


Icon-Letter-B  Patented In-line Profilometer

3D profiler automatically combines high resolution surface topography with indentation and scratch data.


Icon-Letter-C  Lower automated XY Stage
The high precision cross-roller XY stage yields smooth and very accurate test positioning. 




Icon-Letter-D  Non Destructive Film Thickness

Based on spectroscopic reflectance, film thickness measurement (FT-100) module provides a super fast and direct non contact film measurement.

Icon-Letter-EUpper Z Structure

High precision multiple Z drives with high resolution encoders to move testing and inspection modules.


Icon-Letter-F Platform

Open platform architecture for superior modular testing and ease of use.




Scratch Test Indentation Test Application Notes


Scratch Test


The SMT-5000 Scratch Tester performs scratch tests in nano, mico and macro force ranges.


Indentation Test


Take a closer looks at the SMT-5000’s micro indentation capabilities


Application Notes


Put it in action. The SMT-5000’s versatility fulfills all scratch applications.


 Instrumented Indentation Tester

Automatic load and displacement curves, Hardness (Traditional and instrumented), Elastic Modulus, Creep, and many more calculations.
  • Easily interchangeable indentation head covering multiple load ranges from mN to 40 N
  • Unmatched performance with patented capacitive sensor technology
  • Berkovich, Vickers, Spherical, Cube Corner, Knoop, various diamond indenter tips, and more
  • Standard Vickers hardness or other traditional micro indentation scales.
smt_5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing B

smt_5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing C
Characterize coating adhesion, scratch resistance, scratch hardness and more.
The synchronization of scratch data and 3D imaging ( Patent US 10,024,776 B2) is a unique and novel tool to study surface deformation and failures.
  • Piezo actuator for precise down motion during scratch test.
  • The best friction force sensitivity on the market owing to normal and tangential force sensors located in the head.
  • Multiple testing ranges from nano to macro on one platform. Easily interchangeable scratch heads.
  • Tests in various environments. (Temperature, humidity, corrosion and many more).
  • Measurement on flat or curved surface
  • Click here for few applications notes 
Scratch Data Visualization. Complete failure analysis and correlation to scratch data.
Automatic Stitching

The complete 3D image of the scratch is obtained via automatic post-test imaging.

The critical loads are easily positioned on the 3D panorama. In addition to the critical loads, the typical measurements enabled by this 3D imaging include scratch volume, penetration, residual deformation, roughness, and volume wear.


Load Profile and Custom Motions

Switch Quickly From Indenter to Scratch Tester

Load Profiles: constant, linear or user defined load profiles. The applied normal force and resulting friction forces measured using precise NIST traceable sensors.

Versatile XY Stage: The automatic  XY stage allows to perform multiple scratch or indentation on single or multiple samples automatically. Tests can be customize to achieve any motion profile such as straight, curved, circle, zigzag, and more.


Indentation With Rockwell Tip Scratch With Cutting Tool


Indentation With Rockwell Tip


Scratch With Cutting Tool

Non Destructive Film Thickness Measurement

Ultra fast coating thickness determination
The film thickness measurement module uses spectral reflectance to obtain the thickness of a coated surfaces.
  • Extensive materials library (500+)
  • Real-time, one-click measurement and analysis of thickness, n&k and roughness measurement
  • Ease of use, no expert knowledge required
  • Powerful analysis package scaling correction, multi-sample measurement, dynamic measurement.
Non Destructive Film




The profilometer is optimized to image scratch and indentation marks with high resolutions.  Automatic multiple imaging modes selection  to image any sample surface – transparent, glass, mirror, rough, smooth, steep slope, and much more with ease.


Icon-number-1   Dark Field Mode


Allows detection of cracks at the surface with notable contrast


Icon-number-2  White Light Interferometer Mode

Allows high resolution images of flat surfaces


Icon-number-3  Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope Mode

Measures steep slopes,  transparent, dark or rough surfaces


Icon-number-4  Bright Field Mode

2D profiles with high resolution and real colors


Sensors and Chambers

Application specific solutions

Environmental chambers and a variety of sensors create numerous test variations that replicate real-life scenarios.

MTF5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing ODRAZKA  Electrical Contact Resistance

Identifies the coating failure point via the measure of the electrical resistance change during the scratch.

MTF5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing ODRAZKA   Acoustic Emission

Identifies brittle material failures by measuring the shock vibrations during the scratch.

MTF5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing ODRAZKA  Corrosion Setup

Allows scratch corrosion studies.

MTF5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing ODRAZKA  Environmental Chambers

Temperature, Humidity, and More.

MTF5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing ODRAZKA  Additional Sensors

Various sensors on coating scratch adhesion tester provides more information during the test


Correlation of Deformation, Failure, and Surface Morphology Data

Icon-number-1  Pre & Post Test Image
Automatic surface deformation assessment with the comparison of before and after 3D images of the surface.
Icon-number-2  Scratch Test

Single or multiple scratches can be performed using predefined recipes.

Icon-number-3  Continuous Cross Profiler Analysis

Cross profiles measurements are available anywhere along the scratch.

Icon-number-4  Report
A simple and customizable report is generated with 3D images correlated to scratch data. Moreover, each critical load is presented with separate zoomed images. Additionally, other measures such as friction, roughness, residual depth, volume wear and permanent deformation are also provided.


pdf Brožura RTEC - kompletní nabídka přístrojů a aplikací (1.1 MB)

pdf BROŽURA Multifunkční tribometr SMT-5000 (3.7 MB)





 smt_5000_univerzalni_tribometr_rtec_Metalco_testing D    Metalco_testing rtec



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Hmotnost 0.1 kg

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